Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Nation in self defiance, a nationality in self exile (Part 2)

Q.)What will u call a person, who has 200 security personnels around, whose per day maintainence is Rs. 9,00,000 (Nine Lakhs!!!), who has his own medical centre, who plays in the evening, eats Biryani, is protected round the clock by a political party and is in the news 24X7?

A). No he isn’t Rahul Gandhi..he is KASAB

Shame on all of us!!!!

After the 42nd Major terrorist attack in India, since UPA took over in 2004,Mr. Chidambaram explains us how nothing happened in Mumbai for last 31 months, don’t know if he is asking us to be contempt with just that.. Mr. Rahul Gandhi, who is the PM apparent tell us, a blast here and a blast there is no big deal and that we should be thankful to the 99% times that we were saved. I don’t understand how he can be so positive and it really gives me nightmares that if this is what he thinks today, what will happen when he succeeds Sardar ji??

And look at how we are encouraging the likes of Kasab & Co. Most of us may not be aware but our politicians have planned an innovative pension scheme for the families of slain terrorists. Read yourself to believe -

Another interesting fact is how our rulers prefer members of Nehru Gandhi clan to the rest of the 1.2 Billion Indians.

There is a Special Protection Group(SPG) meant for protection of families of PM and former PMs and members of Nehru Gandhi family. SPG budget for 2008-09 was Rs 180 crore, up from Rs 117 crore the previous year, while the 2008-09 budget for NSG, which is meant to protect over a billion people from terror, was Rs 158 crore, down from Rs 159 crore the previous year.

Will Mr. Rahul Gandhi still say – I feel ashamed to call myself an Indian??

Sunday, June 5, 2011

डंडे के बल पर अनशन तोड़ती सरकार

डंडे के बल पर अनशन तोड़ती सरकार.समझ में ही नहीं आ रहा की हम स्वतंत्र भारत में हैं या अंग्रेजो हुकूमत में?

आज से आठ साल पहले लोग पूछते थे की स्वाभिमानी लोग क्यों कहते है की सोनिया गाँधी को सत्ता में नहीं आना चाहिए.आज उन सबको समझ में आ रहा होगा की एक विदेशी और वो भी भ्रष्ट विदेशी को सर पर चढ़ा लेने से क्या नतीजा निकलता है...साधू संत कभी इस देश की शान हुआ करते थे .और आज .रात के ३-३ बजे, डंडे के बल पर अनशन करते साधू संतो को उठा लिया जाता है, औरतो, बच्चो और बड़े बूढों पर लाठी चार्ज किया जाता है..इस तरह की नीच हरकते करते भले ही उन्हें शर्म ना आती हो, परा हमारा सर शर्म से पूरी तरह झुक जाता है...सच है कांग्रेस पार्टी के लिए - उठने की एक एक सीमा होती है, नीचे गिरने की कोई सीमा नहीं होती...

पूरी दुनिया को बदलने की बात करने वाले हमारे चौकलेट युवराज आज कहा गायब हो गए हैं?

और आज ही नहीं, जब जब कांग्रेस पार्टी अपनी नपुंसकता का परिचय देती है, तब तब कहा गायब हो जाते हैं राहुल बाबा...४१ साल के राहुल बाबा??

क्या उन्हें नज़र की एक ऐसी विचित्र बीमारी हो गई है , जिसमे उन्हें सिर्फ वही दिखाई देता है, जो की एक भ्रष्ट पार्टी के एक नेता को दिखना चाहिए ??

जब श्रीकाकुलम, में किसानों पर सरकारी लाठी चार्ज होता है, तो राहुल गाँधी को दिखाई नहीं देता, क्युकी वहा कांग्रेस की सरकार है, जब जैतापुर में किसान आन्दोलन करते हैं तो राहुल गाँधी को कुछ दिखाई नहीं देता क्युकी वहा कांग्रेस की सरकार है, .और जब यूपी में किसानों को जुखाम भी होता हैं, तो राहुल गाँधी की नींद हराम हो जाती हैं? सिर्फ इसलिए की यूपी में एक साल बाद ही चुनाव होने है, और अपनी आयरलैंड से प्री-प्रोग्राम्ड कर मंगाई हुई ईवीऍम के बल पे उन्हें पूरा भरोसा है की चुनाव वही जीतेंगे...

पता नहीं किस ओर ले जा रहे हैं यह लोग इस देश को, एक ऐसा अंधकार इस देश में फ़ैल रहा है, जहा दूर दूर तक रौशनी की शायद ही कोई किरण नज़र आती हैं, एक ही रास्ता है- जो सरकार निकम्मी है, वो सरकार बदलनी है!!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

In the loving memory of Osama ji - painfully yours Digvijay Singh ( 1 idiot)

It appears like Congress General Secretary Digvijay Singh is suffering from an acute desease of 'foot in mouth'.
As if, the Late Sh. Karakare call records fiasco or the siding with Batala House terrorists was not enough, Digvijay Singh
has again made his 'vote bank'intention very clear by expressing remorse over Osama Bin Laden's encounter, his supposedly un-islamic burial etc etc.
How pained he is and what a personal sense of loss he feels, we all can well understand when he referrs to the mass murderer as - 'Osama ji'.

what a pain!!!
And why not? After all both of them had similar agendas. Both wanted to ruin this country.
Now that his able and trusted general is no more, like a true Talibani soldier Digviay will continue with his anti India propoganda.
Interestingly, Digvijay does all this to appease Indian Muslims.
And what a bad judge he is to calculate, that Indian Muslims still have anything to do with Pakistan. No body in India, no Indian Muslim is weeping on Osama's death, but Digivijay Singh is pained that why that mass murderer who once declared India its enemy no. 1, was not given a proper burial.

The idoit either does not know a simple fact or may be he chooses to ignore something that even a normal kid has understood, that those who loved Pakistan have already gone there in 1947
and linking Indian Muslims with their Paki counterparts is a blot not only on the self respect of a normal Indian Muslim but also a stab on the concept called India.

But then, Digvijay Singh's ideas have many takers, even within his own party.
Mani Shankar Aiyar with all his elite English and with all his might explained to his viewers of NDTV how India should
not take a similar step like US for getting a hold of 26/11 conspirators and other terrorists hiding in Pakistan.
The same Mani Shankar Aiyar who never fails to shout 'Bhagwa Aatankwaad'at the drop of a hat, explains to his NDTV viewers how terrorism has no religion.

The official position of the Union of India on 26/11 is that the attack was orchestrated by the terrorists hiding inside Pakistan.
But Digvijay Singh is Digvijay Singh...he releases a book of an obscure jounalist which claims that it was a conspiracy hatched by the fountainhead of nationalism- RSS.
Co-incidentally, at the same time Rahul Baba also tell a visiting US envoy that India faces more threat from 'Bhagwa Aatankvaad' then the jihadi terrorists imported from Pakistan.
Next we know is, that using the same logic Pakistan blames India for showing double standards on terroism and accuses India of inaction on 'Bhagwa Aatankvaad'.

God knows, which direction these pseudosecularist politicians will take this country.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

and they say- how can he be a God, if he is on a pacemaker......

Sathya Sai Baba

"All that you cannot see, hear or understand cannot be ruled out as non-existent.
Even if you flash a powerful light in front of a blind man, he will only see darkness,
because he does not have the eyes to see the light. Likewise, persons having no faith will
not perceive God even if you show God to them. They do not have the eyes to see divinity
and they proclaim that there is no divinity. A blind man can neither see his body nor describe
his looks, but it does not follow that he has no body."
- Baba

Friends, with news coming every minute from all quarters about Bhagwan Shri Sathya Sai Baba's deteriorating health, the so called Éducated-Secular-Modern and not to forget broadminded' people have again taken it to themselves for so to say exposing Baba.
They say- we have never seen a God on pacemaker or how is he a God, if he can not cure himself
or All Babas are fake etc etc.

Now, first things first, this article is not meant for them. Neither am i justifying Baba's divinity to the non beleivers nor am i defending him. Only those who do not have a beleif in him, will try to defend him before such people, who frankly do not matter at all.
But for all beleivers, what follows next is only my understanding of Bhagwan's divine plan.

Bhagwan Shri Ram was an avtar too. But did that, stop him from the mortal sufferings that we as humans are bound to suffer.
Skeptics from ages have questioned, if he was a God, how come he was blinded by a fake dear who he didnt knew was a trap by Ravan to kidnap Sita?
or how he did not know about Sita's wherabouts, since as a God he is expected to be 'Ántaryami'?

Going by the same logic, Bhagwan Shri Krishna too should have then cautiously removed the mani from his foot, lest the hunter named Jara could mistook it for a dear's eye and therby kill him?

Or Similarly, Jesus should have never included Judas as his disciple, in the first place...

But undoubtedly, they were all dieties and knew everything more than what we know even today.
But, The end of Lord Krishna was destined and yet was to be another `leela` of the Almighty. Similarly for Rama and similaly for Jesus.
Having taken birth in the mortal form, they were destined to go through all the sufferings and all the calamities that we as humans undergo..

Now in case of Bhagwan Shri Sathya Sai baba, he too has taken birth in a human form. Now he is 86, and at this ripe age, if someone questions, why he should require a pacemaker,i frankly think is an absurd question, in the first place.

Further, The same Éducated-Secular-Modern and not to forget broadminded people, also question how he can produce a Shiv Linga or a Bhabhuti, or if he can produce a Shiv Linga why can not he produce a pumpkin.
Now, tomorrow, if he produces a pumpkin, they would ask, why can not produce a pumpkin with a Shiv Linga Inside, so on and so forth, the questions will continue. but Ladies and gentleman, we must understand, he is a saint and not a village magician and I guess, he has better works to do then to conjure things on demand.

And he is actually doing those better works. Running 1400 centres in 180 countries, right from schools and colleges down to hospitals and NGOs. His Strong officially estimated following of 6 Million is helping him run these instututions without taking much from the people who benefit from it.
The super specialityhospital at Puttaparthi is a classic case as an example. It is supposed to be one of the best in India, draws huge number of patients from the world over, performs delicate surgeries and still does not take anything from the patient!!!

But the detractors never focus on these aspects, because they are more busy in fabricating fake videos, fake stories and fake sex abuse cases. Is there any need to mention that till date video researchers have not been able to find any evidence of fake materialisation as claimed by the critics.
Did the detractors ever told us, that the person who filed the sex abuse case had to withdraw his lawsuit after indications that his challenge lacked merit. The case was dismissed by the Californian court 'with prejudice' meaning it cannot be filed for the same claims again.
They will never tell us this and for obvious reasons also.

How else do you explain Sai's Bhabhuti falling in my home and in countless others in as far flung as US or Canada!!!

The point is, it is good to question. But question for the sake of question is arrogance....Question for the sake of showing ur superiority is stupidity.... And above all, questioning without having the guts to accept the truth, just because its against Science is shallowness of character and ignorance of science alltogether.
Majority of those who say that His being a Deity is against Science, have not even studied science beyond their 6th standard. But then its cool to say- I am with science.

And also as far as science goes, lemme answer it that ways- Science does not beleive in God is a faulty notion, just like the 33 crore Indian Devi-Devtas.
Scince, on the contrary has a very easy and simple approach towards God.
Science says God is not someone from the other planet. he is one among us. He is just the one who has used his brain, a little more than we normally do and hence has transcended to those realms where he can have innumerous manifestations.

Science very clearly tells us that there is literally nothing which is impossible. The only thing impossible is the word itself. we can do just anything, literally anything we can imagine, all we have to do is to use our brains a l'il more. Baba, going by that philosophy is using his brain for the betterment of the mankind.

Finally, Science tells us- There is a god inside all of us.
Baba Says- I am God and so are you....

Aren't they on the same side???

But finally, i must admit that as an individual, everyone is free to have a stand. Everyone should have an opinion and allow others to take their also.

Sathya Sai Baba, I hope you get well soon. The good work is on and Insh-a-Allah, you will be there to see the trees bearing the fruits soon.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Curious case of 'Paid News'

Someone wants us to believe, Rahul is Lord of the net also.

Ok Ok, may be he actually is...but what a mere co-incidence, that all the dailies are coming up with the same news at the same time and with the same words also...worst of all, all of them are wrong, as a hnonest search on facebook might prove.

But then....

Drums of Campaign glorifying Rahul is getting louder and its now bordering absurdity. Someone wants gullible Indians to believe that Rahul Gandhi is most popular Leader on net.
Several national newsmedia today published similiar themed news in which they tried to portray Rahul as most popular Indian political leader in net

Hindustan Times claimed

Rahul Gandhi has a fan page following of 67,921 people which could be among the largest for any leader in the country on the popular social networking site.

NDTV claimed

Rahul Gandhi is a hit on Facebook. He has a fan page following of 67,921 people which could be among the largest for any leader in the country on the popular social networking site.

Now comes the more interesting part. If you take a closer look - the source of news is not common for NDTV & Hindustan Times its PTI(screenshot below) while for all others its their inhouse Journalists Now it will take a lot of convincing for me to believe that it was sheer coincidence that PTI & all other media houses cameup with this independent of each other (unless one of them is ripping off). Having brought up with staple dose of Bollywood movies… I can think of only one explanation for this coincidence … “Paid News”

I am also intrigued by theme of this campaign. Perhaps this may be a campaign to counter all the negative press INC & Rahul is getting in twitter. Or some PR agency wanting to prove the ROI for money they have received. What ever it may be this is plain distasteful

And by the way, It seems journos of all these media houses forgot to do a web search on fan page following of original Gandhi – Mahatma Gandhi. Original Gandhi has a has a fan page following of over 287,161.

Lastly, if fan page liking was barometer of popularity this guy might be one of most popular leaders

Screenshot of Mizoram Express article Rahul Gandhi gains popularity on Facebook
Screenshot of HT article Rahul Gandhi a hit on Facebook

News on NDTV Website Rahul Gandhi's Facebook page has 67,921 followers

Screen shot of Deccan Chronicle Article Rahul is ‘face’ of young India

Screen shot of Hindu Article Rahul Gandhi a hit on Facebook

Be Aware and Beware

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Nation in self denial, a Nationality in self exile

This evening, as i flipped through a leading daily's website, a number of questions concerning the very existence and future of this country crossed my mind... but the long and short of all of them was--- can a country prosper if it continues to live in a state of self denial????

How otherwise does the Congress expects us to react, when its tall leaders ask, ‘BJP to abandon the path of confrontation’ on the Tiranga issue???
Had this been their question to the separatists some 60 yrs back, J&K would have today amalgamated into the Nation’s mainstream, much like Hyderabad or Junagarh.

Co-incidentally, Sardar Patel, had integrated more than 550 princely states into India. Kashmir, was the only one which Chachaji took upon himself. And the result is before the entire world.

And the same Chacha-ian attitude was visible today when the J&K Govt after having received unstinted support from the central leadership, said that those entering J&K with the Tricolour will be seriously dealt with…Cmon…are we living in India or are we living in Pakistan???

Congress says Tiranga yatra is BJP’s means of playing ‘’divisive politics’’. What to do, the party is so obsessed with 1984 riots, Shahbano case etc that it sees the same brand of Politics everywhere.

Digvijay Singh, another seasoned (Read Chhata Hua) Congressman, is working overtime to ensure that the world realizes and that too as soon as possible, how the Majority Hindu community is out on full rampage to crush down all the minorities in India. And yes this is the same India, Akshay Kumar, in Namaste London, describes as the country which aIIows a Iady of CathoIic origin...
to step aside for a be sworn in as Prime a MusIim President to govern a nation of over 80 percent Hindus.
Well the result of this mammoth mistake of 2004, is right here.

And following, IIT honour for inventing call records eraser technology, Digvijay Singh is already on cloud 9 and to the best of his efficiency.

Digvijay recently got a big boost when wikileaks reported, how Yuvraj told some US envoy, that Hindu terror is much serious than any other terror in India, as common hindus also give support to such radical outfits. Somebody in Vatican must have been very happy Yuvraaj!!!!

Now whats more to expect from a Prince Charming who goes to Bharat darshan in SUVs, or on Poverty Tourisms with European friends, showing them what they best like to see- BHOOKHA NANGA INDIA.

Once I had gone to Chandni Chowk, and had seen an English (or Italian, I don’t know) couple who were clicking their photos with the beggars / street children there. Their Indian guide was helping them in faking the surroundings.

Yuvraj’s Poverty tour with Milliband, reminded me of just the same.

Neways…back to the Tiranga Yatra…

The same Congress which was not able to stop Geelani , Arundhati & Co., from spreading venom and delivering anti- India and other hate speeches in Delhi, is today able to house-arrest BJP leaders in Kashmir from going to Lal Chowk. Not to mention the trains which are being send back on suspicions of carring BJP’s spirited nationalists on the way to Lal Chowk.

For those of you who don’t know, just want to share- the day Arundhati/Geelani were hate mongering in Delhi, the state police was providing them security. In full public view and that of the Centre/State, Arundhati/Geelani blasted the nation’s self-respect, but nobody reciprocated.

It took a group of young Kashmeeri Pandits who couldn’t bear any further and opposed the program. The result: the state policeman who were mute for the entire length of Arundhati/Geelani’s barks, pounced on the Kashmeeri Pandits and threw them out for disturbing Law & Order…
Late Shri. K R Narayanan was the President of India and he had criticized the BJP Govt for not looking after the minorities in Gujrat, post riots. With no disrespect meant, I need to ask – What had BJP done for Kashmeeri Pandits also??? Or what had any party done for them??? You were the President, your heart should have bleed for them too???

UN Delegates / Foreign PMs regularly visit India. After 2002 riots, some of them went to the relief camps in Gujrat. As a human, I understand, respect and appreciate their feelings. But why nobody ever went into Kashmeeri Pandit’s camps?? An entire generation has grown up in those relief camps in the past 20 years. Why no humanitarian feelings for them??? Why this selective amnesia??

But then, Kashmeeri Pandits are a non transferable / scattered vote bank, so their feelings may at times move even stones, but not our ‘SECULAR’ politicians.

I know, it appears like a revolutionary film story, straight out of a typical Rang de Basanti, but its for real, happening only in India- A Nation in self denial, a Nationality in self exile.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Amethi Vs Raeibareily

The other day, heir apparent of a National party claimed that Purulia, WB is among the most backward parts of the country.

( yeah, the same guy who goes on Discovery of India tours in SUVs, and the same who eats packaged food at Dalit houses)

But the indices appear to show, otherwise????



* People below poverty line



* Families with electricity



* Per capita expenditure


Rs. 385

* Vaccinated children



* Neo-natal deaths

46 per 1000

83 per 1000

* Fatality below five years

89 per 1000

160 per 1000

For the record, heir apparent's great grandfather, his father, his uncle, and his mother represented Amethi, before he himself was elected from there.

And, for the record, his grandfather, grandmother, uncle and his mother have represented Rae Bareli since.